Healthy People 2030 Database (Data2030)

Years Available
Most baseline years are no older than 2015
Mode of Collection
Census: abstraction of data from records.
Data2030 will include data to monitor all Healthy People 2030 core objectives and information on the related data sources.
Selected Content
Each objective contains a data source and a national baseline value. The baselines use valid and reliable data derived from currently established, generally nationally representative data systems. Baseline data provide the point from which a 2030 target is set (unless the objective is informational). For each objective, technical specifications describe the methodology for assessing progress. The technical specifications define the measure and include information about the data source, baseline details (numerator, denominator, and questions used to collect the data), target, target-setting method, and other relevant items. If, over time, changes are made to the data or any of the components related to assessing progress, the data and/or technical specification will be updated to reflect the revisions. Data used to track the Healthy People 2030 objectives are based on events occurring in the 50 States and the District of Columbia, whenever possible. Unless specifically noted, all objectives exclude data for U.S. territories. The data used to track most population-based Healthy People 2030 objectives are derived from either a national census of events (for example, the National Vital Statistics System) or from nationally representative sample surveys (for example, the National Health Interview Survey).
Population Covered
Healthy People 2030 objectives
Follow-up data are added to the Healthy People 2030 Database on an ongoing basis as data points become available.
Response Rates and Sample Size
Interpretation Issues
For some objectives, complete national data are not available and data for selected states and areas are used to monitor the objectives. In these cases, the coverage area is described within the data table or the objective and in the technical specifications. In certain state-based data systems (e.g., the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System), data may not be available for some variables for all states. This is either because data for a specific variable are not collected by some states or because the quality of data for some states is not sufficient to produce reliable estimates for some variables. The number of reporting states can vary from year to year. This information is also shown in the technical specifications for selected objectives.