Reduce the proportion of deaths of car passengers who weren't buckled in — IVP‑07 Data Methodology and Measurement

About the National Data


Baseline: 46.8 percent of passenger vehicle occupant deaths with known restraint status were unrestrained in 2017

Target: 41.9 percent

Number of passenger vehicle occupant fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes that were known unrestrained.
Number of passenger vehicle occupant fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes with known restraint status.
Target-setting method
Percentage point improvement
Target-setting method details
Percentage point improvement from the baseline using Cohen's h effect size of 0.10.
Target-setting method justification
Trend data were evaluated for this objective, but it was not possible to project a target because the trend had flattened in 2015 and 2016. A percentage point improvement was calculated using a Cohen's h effect size of 0.1. This method was used because the Healthy People 2030 Workgroup Subject Matter Experts expected the trend to continue to be difficult to change.


Methodology notes

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines an occupant as any person who is in or upon a motor vehicle in transport. This includes the driver, passengers, and persons riding on the exterior of a motor vehicle. Passenger vehicles are defined as motor vehicles weighing less than 10,000 pounds and include passenger cars and light trucks (SUVs, pickup trucks, vans, and other light trucks). A crash is defined as an event that produces injury and/or property damage, involves a motor vehicle in transport, and occurs on a trafficway or while the vehicle is still in motion after running off the trafficway (any road, street, or highway open to the public as a matter of right or custom for moving persons or property from one place to another). FARS data are obtained solely from a State's existing documents, including police crash reports, death certificates (coded to ICD-10 V30–V39 [.4–.9], V40–V49 [.4–.9], V50–V59 [.4–.9], V60–V69 [.4–.9], V70–V79 [.4–.9], V81.1, V82.1, V83–V86 [.0–.3], V20–V28 [.3–.9]. V29 [.4–.9], V12–V14 [.3–.9], V19 [.4–.6], V02–V04 [.1, .9], V09.2, V80 [.3–.5], V87 [.0–.8], V89.2), vehicle registration files, and hospital medical reports.


Comparable HP2020 objective
Modified, which includes core objectives that are continuing from Healthy People 2020 but underwent a change in measurement.
Changes between HP2020 and HP2030
This objective differs from the related Healthy People 2020 objectives IVP-15, IVP-16.1, IVP-16.2, IVP-16.3, and IVP-16.4 in that objective IVP-15 used data from the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS) to track safety belt use among drivers and right-front seat passengers and IVP-16.1 through IVP-16.4 used data from the National Survey on the Use of Booster Seats (NSUBS) to track age-appropriate vehicle restraint use among children aged 0 to 12 months, 1 to 3 years, 4 to 7 years, and 8 to 12 years, respectively. This objective uses data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) to track deaths to unrestrained passenger-vehicle occupants.


1. Effect size h=0.1 was chosen to correspond with 10% improvement from a baseline of 50%.