September 2023

Healthy People 2030 Launches New Healthy People in States and Territories Page

Healthy People 2030

Healthy People 2030 is pleased to announce the publication of a new Healthy People in States and Territories web page. This new page provides an overview of the Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators, a list and links for most recent available health improvement plans for all states, territories, and island jurisdictions, and links to relevant Leading Health Indicators. To learn more about states and territories work to make Healthy People happen every single day, please visit

ICYMI: 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Held Third Meeting, Heard Public Oral Comments

DGA logo

Rockville, Md. – ICYMI: Last week, on September 12 and 13, the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee convened in person for its third official meeting. The meeting was livestreamed. On the first day of the meeting, the Committee heard oral comments from 83 members of the public. As part of the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture’s (USDA) ongoing efforts to increase transparency, equity, and public engagement in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Dietary Guidelines) development process, individuals who registered to provide comments were allotted two minutes to speak to the Committee regarding any aspect of their scientific review...