TOOLKIT: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

About 1 in 10 teens who have been on a date have also been physically abused by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the last year. Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is a national effort to raise awareness and protect teens from violence. You can help by encouraging schools, community-based organizations, parents, and teens to come together to prevent teen dating violence.

With this and other National Health Observance toolkits from, we’ve made it easier for you to make a difference. The toolkits provide resources for organizations like schools, healthcare providers, health departments, and more to raise awareness about critical public health issues, like teen dating violence.

This toolkit is full of ideas to help you take action today. For example:

By spreading the word about teen dating violence, healthcare providers, schools, and communities can work together to help teens have safe and healthy relationships.

Categories: News & Announcements, Blog