Federal Plan for ELTRR

The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience (ELTRR) is a resource for federal departments and agencies. The Plan recommends ways to increase strategic action and collaboration to strengthen the Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being across communities nationwide — so all people and places can thrive. The Plan also creates opportunities for federal departments and agencies to advance their collaborations with non-governmental partners that are concurrently working to increase individual and community well-being and resilience. 

The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Celebrates 20 Years of Uniting Transportation Efforts across the Federal Government

Veronica Vanterpool

For millions across the country, safe and reliable transportation to healthcare is critical, especially for people with disabilities. Without reliable transportation, older adults regularly miss critical medical appointments. Without a ride to the pharmacy, Americans without cars forgo taking essential medications. To take on these challenges, the federal government has invested in providing transportation and mobility options for older adults facing challenges and is working to synchronize how federal programs can better meet their needs.

ICYMI: ADM Rachel L. Levine's Remarks from the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting

ADM Rachel Levine headshot

Last month I was honored to deliver the keynote address to the American Public Health Association 2023 Annual Meeting held in Atlanta, Georgia. I spoke about an important initiative that we are continuing to develop and the need to take the social determinants of health “to the next level.” To reach the broadest possible audience, I am sharing my remarks from that meeting.

Living Artful Lives to Enhance Health and Well-Being

Health and Well-Being Matter. ODPHP Director, RADM Paul Reed, MD.

This month RDML Paul Reed introduces the first in a new video “vlog” series exploring individual and community recovery and resilience. In this installment, he sat down with National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Chair, Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson for a discussion on the vital role played by the arts and culture in establishing enhanced resilience and aiding us in recovery from stressors such as the pandemic. As Dr. Jackson so eloquently refers to it – the practice of living “more artful lives”.

Establishing Equitable Resilience Requires Shared Stewardship

Health and Well-Being Matter. ODPHP Director, RADM Paul Reed, MD.

Health and Well-Being Matter is the monthly blog of the Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. This month, RDML Paul Reed welcomes Victoria Brown, Deputy Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and her perspectives on HUD’s approach to building robust communities in the context of the recently released Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience. HUD’s investment in local entities and its intentional focus on promotion of what the Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being framework calls “civic muscle” is akin to a melding of needs, interests, resources, and tools, despite presumed agency: what's come to be known as “shared stewardship”.